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1: What is it about “goodly parents” that implies “teaching their learning” to their children? Nephi states that he is taught because (therefore) his parents are goodly.

1: How can Nephi be both highly favored and also have many afflictions?

1: How can God be good and still allow afflictions to happen in His righteous children? In other words how can a good God allow bad things to happen to good people?

4 – 5: What does Lehi do when he hears a prophet speak hard things? How would you feel if you were Lehi and was told that your homeland, where you’ve grown up your whole life, was about to be destroyed, but there is no physical evidence that it is true? How could you follow Lehi’s example when a prophet tells you something that is hard to hear?

5 : What does it tell you about Lehi’s character that when he prayed he pleaded with his whole heart for his people?

6-8: How is Lehi’s experience similar to Joseph Smith’s? How is it different? Are their other prophets with similar experiences and if who, who? How is Lehi’s experience similar to Enos’? How would have Joseph Smith felt while translating these verses in the Book of Mormon?

9: This is the very first reference to the Savior in the entire Book of Mormon, what is significant about the way Lehi describes the Lord?

11: Why did the Lord have Lehi read the things the Lord wanted him to learn rather than just telling him? Is there a significance in communicating through a written record rather than an oral record? What does having a book to give to Lehi say about the Lords plan?

12-14: Lehi is already in a vision which would suggest that the Spirit is already present; why does reading the book fill him with the Spirit? How does receiving knowledge fill us? How can knowledge give us greater gratitude for the Lord?

14: what is the promise Lehi understands at the end of this verse? How can the Lord be merciful even in the midsts of calamity? How is it that the Lord preserves those that come unto him even when they still are surrounded by calamities? If a righteous person dies during calamities and trials can the still fulfill this promise? If so, how?

15: Lehi shared this experience with Nephi, but how did Nephi know the feelings and attitude of his father from these experiences? How can we be more like Lehi when sharing our testimony?

16: Now seeing that Lehi had and shared many dreams and visions; why did Nephi pick to recount these experiences? Do they have a greater significance other than explaining the origins of the family and reason they left Jerusalem? If so, what?

18: What compels Lehi to proselyte after he had his dreams and visions? Why was warning his people a priority? How does this action relate to his prayer in verse 5? What does this say about Lehi’s sincerity in prayer? How is that similar to Joseph Smith?

19-20: Why would Lehi even try to persuade his people to repent if he read the book which the lord gave him in verse 11-13? What can we learn from Lehi’s desire to save people who are wicked? How does Lehi’s personal knowledge of the Messiah influence his preaching? When we come to know God, why are we more likely to share the gospel?

20: What are the tender mercies of the Lord? who are the chosen and how are they chosen? Once chosen what will the Lord do for them? From what is the Lord delivery you?